Illinois State University
Illinois State University
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External Committee Members 


Academic Planning Committee  

Membership (15)

Provost Designee (committee chairperson)
J. Cooper Cutting, Assistant Vice President, Academic Planning

Chairperson, Academic Senate 
Martha Horst, Academic Senate

Member, Senate Academic Affairs Committee: 
Ella Sharp, Senate Academic Affairs Committee

Director, University Assessment Services
Derek Meyers, Assistant Director, Assessment Services

Director, Graduate Studies
Gavin Weiser, Interim Director of Graduate Studies

Dean Appointed Faculty Members: 2-Year Terms

Iuliia Tetteh (CAST) 2023-2025
Li Zeng (WKCFA) 2024-2025
Vijay Devabhaktuni (COEng) 2023-2025 
Mindy Ely (COE) 2023-2025 (Second Term)
Susie Watkins (MCN) 2023-2025
VACANT (COB) 2024-2026
Bruce Burningham (CAS) 2024-2026
Chad Kahl (MIL) 2024-2026 (2nd Term)

Students (2)

Graduate student selected annually by the Graduate Student Association (Voting):

Ishmael Neequaye

Undergraduate student selected annually by the Student Government Association (Voting):

Kaityln Austin

Administrative Assistant from the Office of the Provost (Non-Voting):

Christie Wissmiller, Business/ Administrative Associate 

Contact: Ani Yazedjian, Acting Provost,, 438-7018
             Christie Wissmiller, Business/ Administrative Associate,, 438-2915

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Athletics Council  

Faculty (8)

Michelle Kibler, AG, 2024-2027 (second term)

Hulda Black, MKT, 2024-2027

Skip Williams, KNR, 2024-2027 (second term

Tony Marinello, WKCFA, 2024-2027

Xing Wang CAS-MAT – 2022-2025

Michael Wille, ART, (replacement for Chad Kahl (MIL)) – (2022-2025)

Christopher Hamaker, CHE 2023-2026

Jacqueline Schneider, CAST, 2023-2026

NCAA Faculty Athletic Representative (1)

Maria Boerngen

Student-Athletes (3)




Student Non-Athletes (3)





Alumni Representatives (2)

Matt Coates (male alumni)

Stacy Ramsey (female alumni)

Ex Officio Members (Non-voting)

Jeri Beggs, Interim Director of Athletics                                                           

Leanna Bordner, Deputy Director of Athletics/SWA Liaison to Gender, Diversity & Student Athlete Well Being sub-committee  

Paul Kabbes, Deputy Director of Athletics for External Operations

Allison Thornley, Sr. Assoc. Athletic Director/Internal Operations

Cindy Harris, Sr. Assoc. Athletics Director/Compliance & Student Services

Scott Renfro, Associate Athletics Director/Compliance & Student Services

Joe Klausner, Assistant Athletics Director/Academics & Life Skills

Katy Killian, President’s Representative, Assistant to the President

Coaches Representatives                                   

Bre Hall, Head Women’s Golf Coach

DeShaun Jordan, Assistant Track Coach                                          

Secretarial Assistance

Chelsea Hood (Wes), Assistant to the Athletic Director/ Director of Special Events

Contact: Leanna Bordner, Deputy Director of Athletics, 438-3639, Athletics Department, 2660 Redbird Arena,    


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Council For Teacher Education  

Appointments made in the fall

Chairperson: Christy Bazan, CAST

Faculty (16 voting- 12 appointed and confirmed by Faculty Caucus)

College of Education (5):   

  1. Jay Percell, TCH, 2023-2026
  2. Dianne Renn, EAF, 2024-2027
  3. Allison Kroesch, SED, 2024-2027
  4. Jeongae Kang, SED, 2023-2026

College of Arts & Sciences (3):

  1. Sarah Boesdorfer (CHE, CAS) 2023-2026 
  2. Jamie Smith, (CAS) 2024-2025 (1 year term)
  3. Amanda Cullen (CAS) 2024-2025 (1 year term)

College of Applied Sciences and Technology (1):
Mary Henninger, (KNR, CAST) 2023-2026
College of Business (1):
Nesrin Bakir (BTE, COB) 2023-2026
Wonsook Kim College of Fine Arts (1):
Darby Wilde, WKCFA, 2023-2026
Milner (1):
Caitlin Stewart, Milner, 2023-2026

Thirteenth faculty member shall be recommended by the Dean of the College of Education and approved by the Provost: Barb Meyer, TCH, 2022-2025-

Graduate Curriculum Committee Representative: Gavin Weiser

University Curriculum Committee Representative: Allison Kroesch

Laboratory School Representative: Vickie Graziano


Students (5, with at least one graduate student):

  1. Katie Burke, Undergraduate
  2. Andrew Conrad Franson, Undergraduate
  3. Peyton Shaw, Undergraduate
  4. Lexi Toler, Undergraduate
  5. Prosper Azameti, Graduate

Ex-Officio Deans' or Representatives:

Todd McLoda, Dean of COE
  Rep: no designee for committee chair

Chad McEvoy, Dean of CAST
  Rep: Christy Bazan

Heather Dillaway, Dean of CAS
  Rep: Rocio Rivadeneyra

Ajay Samant, Dean of COB
  Rep: Kathy Mountjov

Scott Irelan, Dean of WKCFA
  Rep: Bert Stabler

Dallas Long, Dean of Milner Library
  Rep: Grace Allbaugh

Ani Yazedjian, Provost Office
  Rep: Amy Hurd

Jill Thomas, Program Coordinator Geology Teacher Education, 2019-2025 (2nd Term)

Ryan Brown, College of Education Associate Dean

Monica Noraian, Lauby Center/Clinical Experiences and Licensure Processes

Graduate Curriculum Committee Representative: Interim Gavin Weiser (ad hoc)

University Curriculum Committee Representative: Allison Kroesch (SED-COE 2021-2024)

Laboratory School Representative: Jennifer Talbot, Metcalf

   Chairs/ Directors: Non-Voting Ex-Officios:

Erin Mikulec, (Interim Director, TCH)
Yojanna Cuenca-Carlino (Chair, SED)
Rudo Tsemunhu (Chair, EAF)

Contact: Monica Noraian, 438-3541

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Council On General Education  

***Click on link above for agendas and minutes***

VACANT, CAS, 2024-2027

Sally Xie, CAST, 2024-2027 (2nd Term)

Allison Meyer, COE, 2024-2027 (2nd Term)

Gregory Braswell CAS/PSY, 2022-2025

Brian Rejack - CAS, 2023-2026

Kate Krcmarik - WKCFA, 2023-2026

VACANT - MCN, 2023-2026

Ellis Chefor, COB, 2024-2027

Julie Murphy, MIL, 2024-2027


Students (4):

  1. Celeste Berardi

Ex Officio Members (5)

University Curriculum Committee Chair: 

Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences: Sally Parry

Honors Program Director: Linda Clemmons

University College: Brian Aitken

Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education: Amy Hurd

Contact: Soemer Simmons, Recording Secretary, (309) 438-2157

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Economic Well-Being Committee  

Only to be constituted as a committee when necessary

Chairperson will be a faculty member elected by the committee

Faculty (5)

Administrative Representative, Director of Planning, Research and Policy Analysis (1):

Civil Service Representatives (2):

Administrative Professional Staff Representative (1):


Faculty members are nominated and elected by the Faculty Caucus of the Academic Senate for staggered 3-year terms

Civil Service representatives are nominated by the Civil Service Council and elected by the Faculty Caucus of the Academic Senate.

Administrative/Professional staff representative is nominated by the A/P staff and elected by the Faculty Caucus of the Academic Senate.

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Faculty Review Committee  

Only tenured faculty are eligible to serve on the Faculty Review Committee.

Faculty (9)

  1. VACANT, COB, 2023-2026
  2. Marilyn Prasun, MCN, 2024-2027 (Second Term)
  3. Wolfgang Stein, CAS, 2024-2027 - Chair
  4. VACANT, COE, 2022-2025
  5. Christine Varga-Harris, CAS, 2019-2025 (Second Term)
  6. Dave Kopsell, CAST, 2022-2025
  7. Andy Rummel, WKCFA, 2022-2025
  8. Jennifer Sharkey, Milner, 2022-2025
  9. Rebecca Hayes, CAS, 2023-2025

Contact: Craig Gatto, Associate Vice President for Academic Administration, 

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Library Committee

***Click on link above for agendas and minutes***

Faculty (6-9):

Daniel Kpienbaareh, CAS/GEO, 2024-2027

Tobias Pret, COB, 2024-2027-Chair (2nd Term)

Mohammad Nur-Awaleh, COE, 2022-2025

Guang Jin, CAST, 2022-2025

Robin Trost, MCN, 2022-2025

Claire Lieberman, WKCFA, 2020-2026 (2nd term)

Students (5)

  1. Amy Quintana
  2. Atharv Kedar Walimbe
  3. Hannah Hopwood
  4. Scott Conley
  5. Disha Manglani

Ex-Officio: Dean of University Libraries: Dallas Long

Contact: Tobias Pret,


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Reinstatement Committee  

Membership :  12 voting members, 14 total members

Chairperson: Amy Roser, Program Coordinator, University College

Faculty (8)  

Angela Yon, MIL, 2024-2025 

Maggie Marlin-Hess, WKCFA, 2022-2025

Ben Wellenreiter, COE, 2024-2027

Julien Corven, CAS, 2024-2027

Meredith Downes, COB, 2024-2027

Theresa Adelman-Mullally - MCN, 2024-2027


Mike Rossler – CAST, 2024-2027

Students (3)
  1. Feyiteniola Falodun
  2. Jennifer Langley

Administrative Representative:

Student Affairs designee appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs: Donald Reed

Ex Officio, non-voting:

Two (2) University College Academic Advisors: 

  1. Priyanka Aich
  2. Emily Fellner

Contact: Michelle Schuline, Secretary, University College, 438-2156

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  Textbook Affordability Committee

Committee website here.

Membership: (12)

Four (4) Students: One Senator or designee and three non-senator.

  1. Isaac Galewsky
  2. Skylar Rusk
  3. Tia Walker
  4. Ross Vancil

Four (4) Faculty: One Senator or designee and three non-senators.

  1. Maria Tudela, MIL, 2024-2027
  2. Amanda DeVore, CAS, 2024-2027
  3. Stephanie Duquenne, CAS, 2022-2025
  4. Senator Carl Palmer, CAS, 2024-2027

Dean of Milner Library or Designee: 
Lindsey Skaggs- Chairperson

Vice President of Student Affairs or designee: 
Joe Hendrix

University Registrar or designee: 
Sally Nadeau 

Assistant Vice President for Student Success or designee:
Lisa Lawless

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University Appeals Board  

Faculty (Faculty elected by the Faculty Caucus of the Academic Senate) (5):

  1. Breana Brown, CAS, 2024-2025
  2. Kyle Ayers, WKCFA, 2024-2026
  3. Erin Quast, CAST, 2023-2026
  4. Miranda Lin, CoE, 2024-2027
  5. Andrea Jamison, CoE 2024-2027

Students (Students elected by the Student Government Association) (5):

  1. Mehdi Bennis
  2. Nalani Lopez
  3. Megan Epperson
  4. Rachel Feiger
  5. Lia Kemnetz


Staff (Staff appointed by Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution Office) (5):


Tammy Hansen 

Zachary McDowell                

Sally Nadeau     

Tim Tribble        


Associate Director for Student Relations

Dr. Jessie Krienert,, 438-8729


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Undergraduate Curriculum Committee  

***Click here for agendas and minutes***

Faculty (14)

  • CAST (2):
  1. Elke Altenburger 2024-2027
  2. Liz Sattler, 2024-2026
  • CAS (4):
  1. Susan Chen, 2022-2025
  2. Fuxia Cheng, 2024-2026
  3. Lisa Tranel, 2024-2027
  4. Kathryn Jasper, 2024-2027
  • COB (2):
  1. Thomas Howe, 2022-2025
  2. VACANT, 2024-2027
  • COE (2):
  1. Michelle Gremp, 2024-2025
  2. Xiaoying Zhao, 2024-2026
  • Mennonite (1):
  1. VACANT – 2023-2026
  • Milner (1):
  1. Joshua Newport, 2020-2026 (Second Term)
  • WKCFA (2):
  1. Aaron Paolucci (2024-2025)
  2. VACANT (2024-2026)


Students (4): 


Robbie Shorter

Alyssa Henke


Provost Designee: Amy Hurd 


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University Hearing Panel  

Faculty Members: 20 or more

  1. Borinara Park, CAST, 2023-2025
  2. Stella Liao, COB, 2023-2025
  3. Brian Franklin, WKCFA 2023-2025
  4. Sabine Khalil, COB 2023-2025
  5. David Marx, CAS, 2023-2025
  6. Amanda Cullen, CAS, 2023-2025
  7. Lindsey Skaggs, MIL, 2023-2025
  8. Kari McMullen, COB 2023-2026 (2nd Term)
  9. Julien Corven, CAS, 2024-2026
  10. Erin Ponnou-Delaffon, CAS, 2024-2026
  11. Rosie Hauck, COB, 2024-2026
  12. Antonio Causarano, COE, 2024-2026
  13. Amanda DeVore, CAS, 2024-2026
  14. Maureen Brunsdale, MIL, 2024-2026
  15. Mark Zablocki, COE, 2024-2026
  16. Vacant
  17. Vacant
  18. Vacant
  19. Vacant

Students (12 or more):

  1. Jack Jordan
  2. Tyler Evans
  3. Alhassan Safianu
  4. James Austin
  5. Jaeda Thomas
  6. Robbie Graham
  7. Dominika Brzegowy
  8. Jonathan Legett
  9. Samantha Preziosio
  10. Vacant
  11. Vacant
  12. Vacant

Contact: Dean of Students Andy Morgan.

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University Review Committee  

Only tenured faculty are eligible to serve on the University Review Committee.

Faculty (9):

Jennifer Howell, HUM, CAS, 2024-2027

Erin Reitz, MCN, 2024-2027 (Second Term)

Susan Sprecher, SOA, SOC SCI, CAS (Frank Beck), 2019-2025 

Randy Reid (replacement for Sarah Smelser), WKCFA, 2022-2025

Chad Buckley, Milner, 2019-2025 (Second Term)

Amanda Cullen, MAT, CAS, 2023-2026

Yun-Ching Chung, COE, 2023-2026

VACANT,CAST, 2023-2026

VACANT, COB, 2023-2026

Ex Officio (non-voting): Provost Designee: Craig Gatto, Provost's Office

Contact: Connie Blick, Provost Office, 

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