Membership (15)
Provost Designee (committee chairperson)
J. Cooper Cutting, Assistant Vice President, Academic Planning
Chairperson, Academic Senate
Martha Horst, Academic Senate
Member, Senate Academic Affairs Committee:
Ella Sharp, Senate Academic Affairs Committee
Director, University Assessment Services
Derek Meyers, Assistant Director, Assessment Services
Director, Graduate Studies
Gavin Weiser, Interim Director of Graduate Studies
Dean Appointed Faculty Members: 2-Year Terms
Iuliia Tetteh (CAST) 2023-2025
Li Zeng (WKCFA) 2024-2025
Vijay Devabhaktuni (COEng) 2023-2025
Mindy Ely (COE) 2023-2025 (Second Term)
Susie Watkins (MCN) 2023-2025
VACANT (COB) 2024-2026
Bruce Burningham (CAS) 2024-2026
Chad Kahl (MIL) 2024-2026 (2nd Term)
Students (2)
Graduate student selected annually by the Graduate Student Association (Voting):
Ishmael Neequaye
Undergraduate student selected annually by the Student Government Association (Voting):
Kaityln Austin
Administrative Assistant from the Office of the Provost (Non-Voting):
Christie Wissmiller, Business/ Administrative Associate
Contact: Ani Yazedjian, Acting Provost,, 438-7018
Christie Wissmiller, Business/ Administrative Associate,, 438-2915
Faculty (8)
Michelle Kibler, AG, 2024-2027 (second term)
Hulda Black, MKT, 2024-2027
Skip Williams, KNR, 2024-2027 (second term
Tony Marinello, WKCFA, 2024-2027
Xing Wang CAS-MAT – 2022-2025
Michael Wille, ART, (replacement for Chad Kahl (MIL)) – (2022-2025)
Christopher Hamaker, CHE 2023-2026
Jacqueline Schneider, CAST, 2023-2026
NCAA Faculty Athletic Representative (1)
Maria Boerngen
Student-Athletes (3)
Student Non-Athletes (3)
Alumni Representatives (2)
Matt Coates (male alumni)
Stacy Ramsey (female alumni)
Ex Officio Members (Non-voting)
Jeri Beggs, Interim Director of Athletics
Leanna Bordner, Deputy Director of Athletics/SWA Liaison to Gender, Diversity & Student Athlete Well Being sub-committee
Paul Kabbes, Deputy Director of Athletics for External Operations
Allison Thornley, Sr. Assoc. Athletic Director/Internal Operations
Cindy Harris, Sr. Assoc. Athletics Director/Compliance & Student Services
Scott Renfro, Associate Athletics Director/Compliance & Student Services
Joe Klausner, Assistant Athletics Director/Academics & Life Skills
Katy Killian, President’s Representative, Assistant to the President
Bre Hall, Head Women’s Golf Coach
DeShaun Jordan, Assistant Track Coach
Chelsea Hood (Wes), Assistant to the Athletic Director/ Director of Special Events
Contact: Leanna Bordner, Deputy Director of Athletics, 438-3639, Athletics Department, 2660 Redbird Arena,
Appointments made in the fall
Chairperson: Christy Bazan, CAST
Faculty (16 voting- 12 appointed and confirmed by Faculty Caucus)
College of Education (5):
College of Arts & Sciences (3):
College of Applied Sciences and Technology (1):
Mary Henninger, (KNR, CAST) 2023-2026
College of Business (1):
Nesrin Bakir (BTE, COB) 2023-2026
Wonsook Kim College of Fine Arts (1):
Darby Wilde, WKCFA, 2023-2026
Milner (1):
Caitlin Stewart, Milner, 2023-2026
Thirteenth faculty member shall be recommended by the Dean of the College of Education and approved by the Provost: Barb Meyer, TCH, 2022-2025-
Graduate Curriculum Committee Representative: Gavin Weiser
University Curriculum Committee Representative: Allison Kroesch
Laboratory School Representative: Vickie Graziano
Students (5, with at least one graduate student):
Ex-Officio Deans' or Representatives:
Todd McLoda, Dean of COE
Rep: no designee for committee chair
Chad McEvoy, Dean of CAST
Rep: Christy Bazan
Heather Dillaway, Dean of CAS
Rep: Rocio Rivadeneyra
Ajay Samant, Dean of COB
Rep: Kathy Mountjov
Scott Irelan, Dean of WKCFA
Rep: Bert Stabler
Dallas Long, Dean of Milner Library
Rep: Grace Allbaugh
Ani Yazedjian, Provost Office
Rep: Amy Hurd
Jill Thomas, Program Coordinator Geology Teacher Education, 2019-2025 (2nd Term)
Ryan Brown, College of Education Associate Dean
Monica Noraian, Lauby Center/Clinical Experiences and Licensure Processes
Graduate Curriculum Committee Representative: Interim Gavin Weiser (ad hoc)
University Curriculum Committee Representative: Allison Kroesch (SED-COE 2021-2024)
Laboratory School Representative: Jennifer Talbot, Metcalf
Chairs/ Directors: Non-Voting Ex-Officios:
Erin Mikulec, (Interim Director, TCH)
Yojanna Cuenca-Carlino (Chair, SED)
Rudo Tsemunhu (Chair, EAF)
Contact: Monica Noraian, 438-3541
***Click on link above for agendas and minutes***
VACANT, CAS, 2024-2027
Sally Xie, CAST, 2024-2027 (2nd Term)
Allison Meyer, COE, 2024-2027 (2nd Term)
Gregory Braswell CAS/PSY, 2022-2025
Brian Rejack - CAS, 2023-2026
Kate Krcmarik - WKCFA, 2023-2026
VACANT - MCN, 2023-2026
Ellis Chefor, COB, 2024-2027
Julie Murphy, MIL, 2024-2027
Students (4):
Ex Officio Members (5)
University Curriculum Committee Chair:
Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences: Sally Parry
Honors Program Director: Linda Clemmons
University College: Brian Aitken
Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education: Amy Hurd
Contact: Soemer Simmons, Recording Secretary, (309) 438-2157
Only to be constituted as a committee when necessary
Chairperson will be a faculty member elected by the committee
Faculty (5)
Administrative Representative, Director of Planning, Research and Policy Analysis (1):
Civil Service Representatives (2):
Administrative Professional Staff Representative (1):
Faculty members are nominated and elected by the Faculty Caucus of the Academic Senate for staggered 3-year terms
Civil Service representatives are nominated by the Civil Service Council and elected by the Faculty Caucus of the Academic Senate.
Administrative/Professional staff representative is nominated by the A/P staff and elected by the Faculty Caucus of the Academic Senate.
Only tenured faculty are eligible to serve on the Faculty Review Committee.
Faculty (9)
Contact: Craig Gatto, Associate Vice President for Academic Administration,
***Click on link above for agendas and minutes***
Faculty (6-9):
Daniel Kpienbaareh, CAS/GEO, 2024-2027
Tobias Pret, COB, 2024-2027-Chair (2nd Term)
Mohammad Nur-Awaleh, COE, 2022-2025
Guang Jin, CAST, 2022-2025
Robin Trost, MCN, 2022-2025
Claire Lieberman, WKCFA, 2020-2026 (2nd term)
Students (5):
Ex-Officio: Dean of University Libraries: Dallas Long
Contact: Tobias Pret,
Membership : 12 voting members, 14 total members
Chairperson: Amy Roser, Program Coordinator, University College
Angela Yon, MIL, 2024-2025
Maggie Marlin-Hess, WKCFA, 2022-2025
Ben Wellenreiter, COE, 2024-2027
Julien Corven, CAS, 2024-2027
Meredith Downes, COB, 2024-2027
Theresa Adelman-Mullally - MCN, 2024-2027
Mike Rossler – CAST, 2024-2027
Student Affairs designee appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs: Donald Reed
Two (2) University College Academic Advisors:
Contact: Michelle Schuline, Secretary, University College, 438-2156
Committee website here.
Membership: (12)
Four (4) Students: One Senator or designee and three non-senator.
Four (4) Faculty: One Senator or designee and three non-senators.
Dean of Milner Library or Designee:
Lindsey Skaggs- Chairperson
Vice President of Student Affairs or designee:
Joe Hendrix
University Registrar or designee:
Sally Nadeau
Assistant Vice President for Student Success or designee:
Lisa Lawless
Faculty (Faculty elected by the Faculty Caucus of the Academic Senate) (5):
Students (Students elected by the Student Government Association) (5):
Staff (Staff appointed by Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution Office) (5):
Tammy Hansen
Zachary McDowell
Sally Nadeau
Tim Tribble
Associate Director for Student Relations
Dr. Jessie Krienert,, 438-8729
***Click here for agendas and minutes***
Faculty (14)
Students (4):
Robbie Shorter
Alyssa Henke
Provost Designee: Amy Hurd
Faculty Members: 20 or more
Students (12 or more):
Contact: Dean of Students Andy Morgan.
Only tenured faculty are eligible to serve on the University Review Committee.
Faculty (9):
Jennifer Howell, HUM, CAS, 2024-2027
Erin Reitz, MCN, 2024-2027 (Second Term)
Susan Sprecher, SOA, SOC SCI, CAS (Frank Beck), 2019-2025
Randy Reid (replacement for Sarah Smelser), WKCFA, 2022-2025
Chad Buckley, Milner, 2019-2025 (Second Term)
Amanda Cullen, MAT, CAS, 2023-2026
Yun-Ching Chung, COE, 2023-2026
VACANT,CAST, 2023-2026
VACANT, COB, 2023-2026
Ex Officio (non-voting): Provost Designee: Craig Gatto, Provost's Office
Contact: Connie Blick, Provost Office,