Illinois State University
Illinois State University
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Affiliated Committees


Academic Freedom Ethics And Grievance Committee

Faculty (24) 

  • Amy Robillard, CAS, 2022-2025
  • Ronnie Jia, CAST, 2022-2025
  • Uttam Manna, CAS, 2022-2025
  • Kyle Miller, COE, 2022-2025
  • Do-Yong Park, COE, 2022-2025
  • Fusun Akman, CAS, 2022-2025 - Chair
  • Alycia Hund, CAS, 2022-2025
  • Marjorie Jones, CAS, 2022-2025
  • Mohamed Nur-Awaleh, COE, 2022-2025
  • Jacqueline Schneider, CJS, 2020-2026 (Second Term) - Vice Chair
  • Brian Franklin, ART, WKCFA, 2023-2026
  • Stella Liao, FIL, COB, 2023-2026
  • Jamie Mahurin Smith, CSD, CAS, 2023-2026
  • Rezgui Abdelmounaam, CAST, School of IT 2024-2027
  • Amy L. Wood, History, CAS 2024-2027
  • Antonio Causarano, COE 2024-2027
  • Erin Ponnou-Delaffon, CAS Language Literature & Culture 2024-2027
  • Meredith Downes, COB 2024-2027
  • Mark Zablocki, COE 2024-2027 - Alternate Vice Chair
  • Kari McMullen, COB 2024-2025
  • Michelle Shropshire, MCN, 2024-2027
  • Ladan Bahmani, WKCFA, 2024-2027
Lab School Representatives (3 from Metcalf, 3 from U-High) Metcalf


5 NTT Covered by Negotiated Agreement:
  • College of Business- Terry Lowe, MQM, 2017-2024
  • College of Arts & Science- Aparna Idate, CHE, 2023-2024
  • College of Applied Science and Technology- VACANT
  • College of Education- VACANT
  • College of Fine Arts- VACANT

4 NTT Not Covered by Negotiated Agreement:
  • Milner- Danielle Futoran Turos 2024-2025
  • Milner- VACANT
  • Mennonite College of Nursing- VACANT
  • Mennonite College of Nursing- VACANT

Contact: Committee Chairperson, or Vice Chairperson, or Academic Senate Office (309-438-8735).

Campus Communication Committee

Some Appointments Made in Summer/Fall - A Constitutionally-Specified Standing Committee

Administrative/Professional Council Representatives:

  • Administrative/Professional Council Chairperson: Amy Secretan
  • A/P Representative: Geno Hampton, 2024-2026


Civil Service Council Representatives:

  • Civil Service Council Chairperson: Justin Lawson, 2024-2026
  • Civil Service Representative: 


Faculty Caucus Representatives:

  • Academic Senate Chairperson: Martha Horst, 2021-2024
  • John McHale, CAS, 2023-2025
  • Craig Blum, COE, 2024-2026


Student Government Association Representative:

  • Student Body President: Cobi Blair, 2024-2025
  • Contact: Academic Senate Office, (, (309) 438-8735

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Ombudsperson Council

Term: 3 Years

  • Joe Goodman: Management & Quantitative Methods (Fall 2021- Summer 2024)
  • Quanisha Kumi-Darfour, Career Services (Fall 2021-Summer 2023)
  • VACANT (______ - Summer 2025)

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Panel of Ten - Administrative Selection Committee Chairperson Panel

Only tenured faculty are eligible to serve on the Panel of Ten.

Terms of Service: 2024-2025

  • Professor, Noelle Selkow, CAST, KNR
  • Professor, Jennifer Banning, CAST, Family and Consumer Sciences
  • Associate Professor Jay Percell, COE, School of Teaching and Learning
  • Associate Professor, Lisa Tranel, Geography, Geology, and the Environment, CAS
  • Associate Professor Tenley Banik, Geography, Geology, and the Environment, CAS
  • Professor Robyn Seglem, COE, School of Teaching and Learning
  • Professor Miranda Lin, COE, School of Teaching and Learning
  • Associate Professor Eric Willey, Milner
  • Professor Michael Wille, WKCFA, Wonsook Kim School of Art
  • Associate Professor David Marx, CAS, Physics

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