Illinois State University
Illinois State University
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Appointment, Salary, Promotion, and Tenure (ASPT) Policy

Current ASPT policy 

Constitution of Illinois State University

  • Memorandum of Understanding - The Memorandum of Understanding is an addendum to the Illinois State University Constitution. The Senate approved the Memorandum, and the document was signed by the Academic Senate Chairperson, Illinois State University's President, and the Illinois State University Board of Trustees in January of 1999.

Academic Senate Documents 


Code of Ethics

Educate Connect Elevate - University Strategic Plan

  • Educate Connect Elevate: The Strategic Directions, and the Core Values they express, are central to the success of the University and its students.

Academic Senate Resolutions

Sense of the Senate Resolution condemning the violent insurrection on the U.S. Capitol
January 20, 2021

Letter to the Governor urging reconsideration of proposed health care increases
January 25, 2017

Sense of the Senate Resolution Reaffirming our Core Values
January 25, 2017

AP Credit Sense of the Senate Resolution
October 21, 2015

Faculty Caucus Resolutions

Sense of the Caucus Resolution
October 14, 2020

Code of Student Conduct

Information on FOIA

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